Joomla! has been awarded two prestigious awards at the Linux & Open Source Awards in London.
The Joomla! project won "Best Linux / Open Source Project" for 2005.
Joomla! project lead Andrew Eddie said the award demonstrates the level of faith and support the Open Source community has in Joomla!.
"The past two months have been astounding," Mr Eddie said. "To win this award on the back of our first releases means a lot to the team which has worked so hard for the community."
The second award which Joomla! figures in was won by core member Brian Teeman. Brian won "UK Individual Contribution to Open / Source" for 2005.
Mr Teeman said he was honoured to win the award and said it recognised "you don't have to be a coder to contribute to the world of Open Source".
More news from London soon...