A special thanks to the members of our Joomla! community who contributed articles to this month's issue: Merav Knafo, Anh Tuan Bui, Paul de Raaij, Abolhassan Firoozmandan, and Meta Krujis!
Editor’s Introduction
- Lessons about openness and transparency from a budget discussion, written by Paul Orwig
Feature stories
- Nicholas G. Antimisiaris shares his thoughts on how to best move our project forward in Push me, pull you....
- Anh Tuan Bui summarizes key features of Helpful E-mail
- Marketing Components for Joomla! Powered Websites.
- Robert Vining gives a shoutout to all of the Joomla! Voices Heard Around the World.
International stories
- Abolhassan Firoozmandan has submitted an article written in Farsi for this issue.
- Opportunities are now open for community members to submit articles in 22 different languages.
Website Case Studies
- Robert Vining reveals how Joomla! powers the CMS Expo (this major event is happening May 2-4 in Chicago).
Leadership Connections
- Alice Grevet shares updates on what OSM has been doing during April on behalf of the Joomla! project.
JUGs and Events
- Meta Krujis shares some secrets of success in Organizing Dutch Joomla! days and back to life again.
- Hagen Graf talks about the Awesomenimity at J and Beyond 2011.
Developers Workbench
- Cristina Solana invites you to join her with your pail and shovel in The Sandbox Manifesto.
- Merav Knafo counts down the 5 ways to document your Joomla! extension.
- Paul de Raaij shares the benefits of using an Object Relational Mapping framework in Using Doctrine ORM in Joomla!.
Designer's studio
- Anthony Olsen sparks the flame in How to put more love into your Joomla! dates...
The Joomla! Haikus
- Prolific poets,
- punsters and word masters too,
- spread the Joomla! love...
- Post your haikus for May!
Joomla! Books
- Bo Astrup reviews "Joomla! 1.5 Top Extensions Cookbook".
Joomla! in the Press/Media
- Mark Bender bring us Joomla! in the Press/Media — May 2011.
On the lighter side...
- Yepr has contributed another Jane Beyond & friends cartoon.
We want to publish your Joomla! story in the next JCM issue! So take a look at our Author Resources content to get a better idea of what we are looking for, and then register to become a JCM author and submit your Joomla! story!