Joomla 3.9, it’s even more ...
More features and improvements for developers, integrators, and designers!
- Use a return URL to the Cancel button #20144
- Generate URLs from the backend to the frontend and vice-versa #16879
- Checksum verification on update for the core and 3rd party extensions #17632 #17619
- Load a module by ID into your article #19362
- Display your tags per language #19509
- Contacts: Link an author name to a URL or an email #18258
- Create custom admin article menus #20890
- Multilingual sites: A new toolbar button to edit associations #21022
- Multilingual sites: Propagating existing associations #21321
- Display the parent category of an article and edit directly the category #20740
- Argon2id Password Support #20855
- Removal of &limitstart=0 / &start=0 in com_content #19467
- Invisible reCAPTCHA implemented #18146
(Click on the Issue number to learn more about the feature on GitHub).