Joomla! News
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- Category: General News
La edición de Octubre 2015 de la Revista de la Comunidad Joomla! ya está aquí. Nuestros artículos para este mes:
Presentación del Editor
Transición hacia una nueva estructura, por Guillermo Bravo
Uno de los objetivos trazados junto al cumpleaños numero 10 de Joomla! era implementar una nueva estructura de gobierno organizacional, un esfuerzo que tomó prácticamente un año para aunar visiones respecto a la nueva estructura de liderazgo que tendría nuestra...
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- Category: General News
The October 2015 issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine is here! Our stories this month:
Editors Introduction
Joomla in Transition, by Alice Grevet
A fitting milestone for the Joomla project as it turns 10 is the process of implementing its new structure for governance.
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- Category: Project Release News

Joomla! 3.4.4 is now available. This is a security release for the 3.x series of Joomla This release fixes a low level security issue. We strongly encourage you update your sites.

What's in 3.4.4
Version 3.4.4 also addresses a few issues:
- Further en-GB language cleanup
- Fixes for MSSQL and PostgresSQL Joomla installations
- jQuery, HTML5Shiv and CodeMirror updates
- Finished implementing the Joomla codestyle rules
Thanks to the hard work of 36 different volunteer contributors more than 500 code commits, addressing over 245 issues, were made for the 3.4.4 release. See the list of fixed GitHub issues for details of the tracker items fixed.
Security Issues Fixed
- Low Priority - Core - XSS Vulnerability More information »
For known issues with the 3.4.4 release, see the Version 3.4.4 FAQ in the documentation site.
The Production Leadership Team's goal is to continue to provide regular, frequent updates to the Joomla community. Learn more about Joomla development at the Joomla Developer Network.
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- Category: General News
We are happy to announce the launch of the upgraded website. Over the past two weeks we’ve been hard at work to upgrade to the latest version.
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- Category: General News
The September 2015 issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine is here! Our stories this month:
Editors Introduction
Happy 10th Birthday Joomla!, by Alice Grevet
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Joomla! Happy 10th Birthday to you!