Joomla! News
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- Category: Project Release News

Joomla! 1.0.3 [Sunlight] is now available on the forge for download here.
This is a Security Release, which means it contains fixes for several Security Vulnerabilities.
We highly recommend that you upgrade to this version.
1.0.3 is available as a Full Package, which contains all Joomla! files and a Patch Package which contains only the files that have been changed by the Security work conducted.
1.0.3 Changelog
1.0.3 Version Information
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- Category: Project Release News
Joomla! 1.0.3 will be released on Friday October 14, 2005 between 08:00 UTC and 14:00 UTC
This will be a Security Release
This means it contains several important Security Fixes:
- 1 Medium Level Threat fix
- 3 Low Level Threat fixes
- Several non-critical bug fixes
Although none of these Security Threats are seen as critical, we highly recommend and strongly urge people to upgrade to this version.
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- Category: General News

Hot on the heels of Joomla! winning two prestigious awards in London, the project has featured in the LinuxWorld's technology viewpoint.
The article, written by the Editor in Chief (US Edition) Mark Hinkle, forecasts a "the new paradigm of IT buying" where "where you buy services rather than licenses". And Joomla! is high on Mark's list of candidates to meet future needs of IT users and administrators.
Mark argues that proprietary software can put business in harms way "by locking business into a long-use cycle and potentially has you following decisions mandated by your vendor rather than your business".
He suggests Joomla! as a tested and worthy content management system well placed for small to medium business. You can read the web version of the article here or buy it from US newstands now.
It's great to see Joomla! mentioned as a technology solution that doesn't hold you captive.
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- Category: General News

Joomla! has been awarded two prestigious awards at the Linux & Open Source Awards in London.
The Joomla! project won "Best Linux / Open Source Project" for 2005.
Joomla! project lead Andrew Eddie said the award demonstrates the level of faith and support the Open Source community has in Joomla!.
"The past two months have been astounding," Mr Eddie said. "To win this award on the back of our first releases means a lot to the team which has worked so hard for the community."
The second award which Joomla! figures in was won by core member Brian Teeman. Brian won "UK Individual Contribution to Open / Source" for 2005.
Mr Teeman said he was honoured to win the award and said it recognised "you don't have to be a coder to contribute to the world of Open Source".
More news from London soon...
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- Category: Project Release News
Joomla! 1.0.2 [Sunset] is now available on the forge for download here.
This is a Stability Release, which means it does not have any new features, it only contains fixes, to bugs discovered in the 1.0.1 release.
1.0.2 is available as a Full Package, which contains all Joomla! files and a Patch Package which contains only the files that have been changed by the Stability work conducted.
1.0.2 Changelog
1.0.2 Version Information