April will be a busy month for Joomla!. We will be attending the LinuxWorld Expo in both Boston and Toronto. Our Dutch community has also informed us about their first Joomla! Day. We hope many other communities will follow their lead.
Boston Linuxworld Expo, April 3-6, 2006

The Joomla! project will be presented at the LinuxWorld 2006 at the Boston Convention Center from April 3-6. We have a booth in the .Org Pavilion and many folks from the American community will be there joining Mitch Pirtle, Andy Miller and Louis Landry from the core team. This expo will be the first time Joomla! has exhibited in the United States. Joomla! has become a globally recognized brand and highly-acclaimed by the open-source community generally in a very short time.
Last year our developers were present to accept the "Best of Show - Total Industry Solution, LinuxWorld Boston 2005" when we presented as Mambo. This year, while we are "new kids on the block", we have the experience and track record that counts. Joomla! is a fully-mature open-source project based on award-winning code, with hundreds of third party developers supporting with their plug-ins and a user community numbering in the tens of thousands. If you are visiting the Boston Linuxworld, take the time to say hello to the guys in the .Org pavilion.
Dutch Joomla! Day, April 22, 2006
Joomla_NL day: Joomla! meeting of Belgians and Dutch in Breda (The Netherlands).
April 22th 2006 is the big day for Joomla-loving Belgians and Dutch. This meeting marks the first meeting of considerable scale in a "useful, cosy, setting". The Dutch and Belgian communities will be discussing their use of Joomla!, the forthcoming release of Joomla! 1.5 (did you say 1.5!, more news on that soon) and, two core team members will participate in workshops. Other workshops will include tips, tricks, how to avoid pitfalls, avoiding dangerous maintenance and much more.
After the launch of the informative subscription site for the Joomla_NL Day, 20 people from Belgium and The Netherlands subscribed almost immediately. There is room for an additional 40 people! For more information, visit the site www.joomladag.nl is, as you might guess, only in Dutch/Flemish.
Toronto LinuxWorld Expo, April 24-26
The Toronto LinuxWorld is booked as well. Michelle and Levis Bisson will again be attending the expo. Meet them for a personal chat !
How you can help!
While the response to donations has been beyond what we could have hoped for (more on that soon), the three expos in the same month do put a strain on our short-term finances. Any community contributions to help us participate in Boston and Toronto LinuxWorld expos and the Dutch Joomla Day will be gratefully accepted. Your donation could make all the difference.