The Joomla Project announces the immediate availability of Joomla 1.5.17 [Wojmamni ama woobusani]. This is a priority release to correct two issues in version 1.5.16. Although there are no security issues fixed in this release, we consider it a security release because a security-related bug has been fixed and because many sites may be upgraded directly from 1.5.15 to 1.5.17.
The Development Working Group's goal is to continue to provide regular, frequent updates to the Joomla community.
Click here to download Joomla 1.5.17 (Full package) »
Click here to download Joomla 1.5.17 (Upgrade packages) »
Want to test drive Joomla? Try the online demo. Documentation is available for beginners.
Please note that you should always backup your site before upgrading.
Release Notes
Check the Joomla 1.5.17 Post-Release FAQs to see if there are important items and helpful hints discovered after the release.
If you have modified core template overrides, please be sure to back them up before upgrading.
No security issues were fixed in this release. For additional information, visit the Joomla Security Center.
- No component issues were fixed for this release
- No module issues were fixed for this release.
- No plugin issues were fixed for this release.
- No legacy issues were fixed for this release.
- No Templates issues were fixed for this release.
- Updated ru-RU installation language (20239)
- Added en-AU installation language (20220)
- Updated help sites list (20238)
- No administrator issues were fixed for this release.
- Fixed problem logging in when Session Handler is set to None (20221)
- Fixed error message when running Joomla! in a PHP version prior to version 5.2 (20219)
- Reverted change to JFolder::makesafe method that introduced a bug (16506)
Statistics for the 1.5.17 release period:
- Joomla 1.5.17 contains:
- 6 issues fixed in SVN
- 6 commits
- Tracker activity resulted in a net increase of 4 active issues:
- 10 new reports
- 0 closed
- 6 fixed in SVN
- At the time the 1.5.17 release was packaged, the tracker had 307 active issues:
- 171 open
- 105 confirmed
- 31 pending
Joomla! Bug Squad
Thanks to the Joomla Bug Squad for their dedicated efforts investigating reports, fixing problems, and applying patches to Joomla. If you find a bug in Joomla, please report it on the 1.5 Bug Tracker.
Active members of the Joomla Bug Squad during this last release cycle include: Ian MacLennan and Mark Dexter co-coordinators; Airton Torres, Alan Langford, Alessandro Nadalin, Andrea Tarr, Christophe Demko, Dennis Hermacki, Edvard Ananyan, Elin Waring, Flavia Silveira, Gergo Erdosi, Hannes Papenberg, Jean-Marie Simonet, Jennifer Marriott, Joseph LeBlanc, Julio Pontes, Kevin Devine, Klas Berlič, Koen Kuipers, Marijke Stuivenberg, Matt Thomas, Mustaq Sheikh, Niels Braczek, Ole Bang Ottosen, Omar Ramos, Pete Nurse, Ron Severdia, Ronald J. de Vries, Sam Moffatt, and Will Mavis.
A warm welcome to the newest members of the Joomla Bug Squad: Alessandro Nadalin, Koen Kuipers, Matt Thomas, Michael McGinn, Mustaq Sheikh, and Ronald de Vries.