Joomla! 3.4.4 is now available. This is a security release for the 3.x series of Joomla This release fixes a low level security issue. We strongly encourage you update your sites.

What's in 3.4.4
Version 3.4.4 also addresses a few issues:
- Further en-GB language cleanup
- Fixes for MSSQL and PostgresSQL Joomla installations
- jQuery, HTML5Shiv and CodeMirror updates
- Finished implementing the Joomla codestyle rules
Thanks to the hard work of 36 different volunteer contributors more than 500 code commits, addressing over 245 issues, were made for the 3.4.4 release. See the list of fixed GitHub issues for details of the tracker items fixed.
Security Issues Fixed
- Low Priority - Core - XSS Vulnerability More information »
For known issues with the 3.4.4 release, see the Version 3.4.4 FAQ in the documentation site.
The Production Leadership Team's goal is to continue to provide regular, frequent updates to the Joomla community. Learn more about Joomla development at the Joomla Developer Network.
New Installations:
Download Joomla 3.4.4English (UK), 3.4.4 Full Package
Upgrade Packages:
Upgrade PackagesJoomla 3 upgrade packages
Note: Please read the update instructions before updating.
Please remember to clear your browser's cache after upgrading.
How can you help Joomla development?
There are a variety of ways in which you can get actively involved with Joomla It doesn't matter if you are a coder, an integrator, or merely a user of Joomla. You can contact anyone on the PLT, to get more information, or if you are ready you can jump right into the Joomla Bug Squad.
The Joomla Bug Squad is one of the most active teams in the Joomla development process and is always looking for people (not just developers) that can help with sorting bug reports, coding patches and testing solutions. It’s a great way for increasing your working knowledge of Joomla, and also a great way to meet new people from all around the world.
If you are interested, please read about us on the Joomla Documentation Wiki and, if you wish to join, email
You can also help Joomla development by thanking those involved in the many areas of the process. In the past year, for example, over 1,250 bugs have been fixed by the Bug Squad.
The project also wants to thank all of the contributors who have taken the time to prepare and submit work to be included in the Joomla CMS and Framework.
A Huge Thank You to Our Volunteers!
Thank you to the code contributors and active Bug Squad members that created and tested this release: aaron-harding, Alex, Alex B., Andrey Aleksanyants, Brian Teeman, cdekok, Charlie Lodder, Chris Davenport, Constantin Romankiewicz, Daniel Dimitrov, DevPortobello, Dimitris Grammatiko, Elijah Madden, Erftralle, Fedik, Gaurav Jain, George Wilson, Izhar Aazmi, James, jasonbrennan, Jean-Marie Simonet, Jisse Reitsma, Joe Webber, jowi, Justin Herrin, Kevin Griffiths, kshitij sharma, Kubik-Rubik, laoneo, lecoeurlou, Leo Lammerink, Manoj Londhe, maxvalentini77, Michael Babker, Nicola Galgano, Niels Braczek, Niels van der Veer, Octavian Cinciu, Oleksandr Panasenko, Ove Eriksson, Peter Lose, Peter van Westen, Phil Taylor, photodude, pjmatos, Rob Clayburn, Puneet Kala, Robert Deutz, Roberto Segura, Samuel Mehrbrodt, Sergio Manzi, shur, Simon, Simon Asika, sovainfo, Steven Pignataro, Thomas Hunziker, thongredweb, Tino Brackebusch, Viktor Vogel, Vio Cassel, wojsmol, Tobias Zulauf.
Joomla Bug Squad
Thank you to the Joomla Bug Squad for their dedicated efforts investigating reports, fixing problems, and applying patches to Joomla. If you find a bug in Joomla, please report it on the Joomla Issue Tracker.
Active members of the Joomla Bug Squad during past 3 months include: aaleksanyants, Achal Aggarwal, adriano-paula-ribeiro, Ahmet Gül, Akarawuth Tamrareang, akfaisel, alexandrucotioras, Alexon Balangue, AlexRed, Alim, Allon Moritz, alxttr, amazeika, amithadkar, Anibal Sanchez, Apayan, Arkadiy, Artur Stępień, AshwathiVenugopal, astridx, asysta, AteDev, auditorj, avjoomla, axel-rank, bellodox, BeniSt, Benjamin Trenkle, Bernard Saulme, Bernard Toplak, bertmert, Björn Wichern, Blutengel89, bps73cx, Brambory a zelenina, Brian Teeman, Buddhima Wijeweera, bullet64, buyanov, cdornsife, CedricTakongmo, Charles Brockman, Chraneco, Chris Davenport, Christelle, Christiane Maier-Stadtherr, Christopher, chrisxchrisxchrisx, chrullrich, ChuckNorrison, codelogixuk, Constantin Romankiewicz, cr2a-graphique, Crixu44, Cyril Rezé, Daniel Kling, darylkuchay, davidmdawson, dbegit, demis-palma, designbengel, Devportobello, Dezi168, dhaval-desai, dimitargsg, Dimitris Grammatiko, dimonzz, Dmitry Rekun, dmsolutions, Dominik Bassing, Duke Speer, Duy Hung TRAN, e404-gh, Elijah Madden, elpaso, emilushi, enesbil, Eric, Eric Fernance, erimkus, ertmania, europower, farhadst, Feargal Hogan, Fedik, Feldon, Flimm, Florian Ruppel, Flow87, fluctuate, fontanil, Fotis Evangelou, Franciska Perisa, Franz Wohlkönig, franzpeter, FreeMindedMedia, fribse, FrogyDiak, G-Lu, Gaetane le Grange, Gary Barclay, gavelino, genesisfan, George Wilson, Georgios Papadakis, Gettyk, ghasler, ghazal, gijs007, gilano, Gitjk, Goyat, GregoryRusakov, GuillaumeCombot, Gunjan Patel, Hannes Papenberg, Hans Kuijpers, hcfd1455, henisa, Hils Cheyne, holodyn, Ilagnayeru (MIG) Manickam, Ilja Michajlow, illambias, Izhar Aazmi, J0WI, Jan, Jan Erik Zassenhaus, jarea1050, jarridlima, jasonbrennan, javier gomez, jawadakr, Jay-Jay, jayblaq, Jean-Marie Simonet, jeanfrancoisgoude, Jeff Channell, jeggert85, Jelle Kok, Jessica Dunbar, JimDee, jimhill10, Jinobix, Jisse Reitsma, jjnxpct, joewebber, johanjanssens, Johannes S-F, johngrchr, Jon Neubauer, JonasAtZwetschke, joo7, joomlamarco, Joris Ceelen, Josh Lewis, josien, jservices, Julien Vonthron, Justin Herrin, jvdh20, jwaisner, Katharina Staden, Kevin, Kimball31, kjdemop, kkstf, kshitij sharma, Lara Petersen, last-phoenix, LaurensGoedel, lcdservices, lecoeurlou, Leo Lammerink, lexakiker, LucyDemooon, Luigi Marangon, majidmahdavi, makabs, Manoj L, Marc-Antoine Thevenet, Marcel van Beelen, marcobiedermann, Martijn Maandag, martinkolle, Matias Aguirre, Matias Griese, Matthew Baylor, maulana sapta , mbunkus, mdemop, Mech7, meddy, mflr26, Michael Babker, minonario, MOB, Mohammad Hasani Eghtedar, MonkeyTrainer12, MPompejus, MSnoeren1995, n3t, Neugls, Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos, Nick A., Nico van Leeuwen, Nicola Galgano, Niels Braczek, Niels van der Veer, Nikolai Plath, Niranjan Janardhana, Nzara, Nzefameni, OctavianC, ogonzy, Oleg, onimaro, onurtemuroglu, oorzaak, opfeifer, Orsey, Ove Eriksson, Pachat, pagchen, Paladin, PAlexcom, Patrick, pedroll, Pep Lainez, pepperstreet, Peter Lose, Peter Lose, Peter Martin, Peter van Westen, PeterJTHM, peternitschke, peterpeter, Phil Taylor, Philip Sorokin, PhM1936, photodude, pieter-groeneweg, pinta83, Piotr Moćko, piotr-cz, pjdevries, planetcrypton, PLFoxNET, podlom, prankyboy, PrometeusWeb, pulsarinformatique, Puneet Kala, pyberg, Qlimax90, Rajiii4u, RalfF1, ramya185, rbuelund, rcano-miambiente, reenan, remotehelp, revnoah, Richard, Richard Fath, RichardEb, RickR2H, rob bezouwen, robations, Robert Deutz, Robert G Mears, Roberto Segura, Roger Perren, Rogitecs, Roland Dalmulder, RonakParmar, Ronald Hoek, rosaria80, RoterNagel, RustyIngles, Ruth Cheesley, Ruud, Ryan Demmer, saeedsol1, sagarapawar, Samuel Mehrbrodt, Sander Potjer, sandijai, sarciszewski, Saurabh Shah, sazearte, sbouey, scipiojr, sebastienheraud, Serge Postrash, Sergio Manzi, Seth Warburton, shamsbd71, shre001, shur, Silver0l, Simon, Simon Asika, simplysites, sitthykun, slibbe, Steven Pignataro, Sulpher, syntaxerror, tampe125, Teck95, Tessa Mero, tflm84, tgv604, thedesignduck, thenewbreed, thewebtailors, TheWizl, thiago-takeshi, Thomas Hunziker, Thong Tran Quang, timhaeuser, tkempf, toadkicker, Tobias Zulauf, tomasduracka, tomcat7, tompap, totten, Troy Hall, Tuan Pham Ngoc, umesh, uzielweb, Valentin Despa, Veaceslav Mindru, vess, Viktor Vogel, Vio Cassel, vistiyos, waader, wartur, watchfulli-dev, webchun, webmechanicx, Wequips, wojsmol, xsability, yanc1985, yaniv rozenman, ymages, ysavran, ysramirez, Yves-K, Zachary Draper.
Bug Squad Leadership: Roland Dalmulder, Coordinator and Tobias Zulauf, Co-coordinator.
Joomla Security Strike Team
A big thanks to the Joomla Security Strike Team for their ongoing work to keep Joomla secure. Members include: Matias Aguirre, Michael Babker, Beat B., Mark Boos, Marco Dings, Nicholas Dionysopoulos, Matias Griese, Thomas Hunziker, David Jardin, Alan Langford, Jean-Marie Simonet, Phil Taylor, Viktor Vogel, George Wilson
Security Team Leadership: Viktor Vogel, Coordinator
Image Credit: Chiara Aliotta and Helvecio Da Silva