![Joomla 4.3.1 Bug Fix Release Joomla 4.3.1 Bug Fix Release Graphic. Use #joomla4All on social media to reference the release](/images/release-images/Blogpost_869x400J4.3.1.png)
The Joomla! Project is pleased to announce the release of Joomla 4.3.1 Bug Fix Release
The main feature of the Joomla 4.3.1 release is Guided Tours.
There are already 2 articles regarding Guided tours. The first is an introduction to the tours detailing where to find them and how to use them.
And then the second details how developers can use Guided Tours for their own extensions.
Where to get it?
New installation instructions and technical requirements
To always use the latest build of Joomla 4, we invite you to use the nightly build packages (updated every night).
To make it easier for newcomers, you can launch a free Joomla 4 website for testing at launch.joomla.org.
What’s new in Joomla 4.3.1?
This version fixes issues encountered during the update process by a number of users.
It particularly addresses:
- When the cookie lifetime is set to ‘year’, the language filter returns an error on multilingual sites,
- When an update is made through CLI, the autoload_psr4.php file is not re-generated, causing fatal errors when new plugins are enabled on install (like for the Guided Tours) or enabled plugins file structure has changed,
- Tags no longer shows itemid in the URL
To see the changes since the last release you can view a list of changes between 4.3.0 -> 4.3.1
Visit GitHub for the full list of bug fixes.
To learn more about our development strategy, please read this article.
Where can I find documentation about Joomla 4?
Joomla 4.3 documentation can be found here: https://docs.joomla.org/Help4.3:Help_screens
There are some tutorials to help you with Joomla 4. You can find the existing ones, like creating a Plugin or a Module for Joomla 4, namespaces conventions, prepared statements, using the new web asset classes and many more in https://docs.joomla.org/Category:Joomla!_4.x
We encourage developers to help write the documentation about Joomla 4 on docs.joomla.org to help and guide users and other extension developers.
A JDocs page will help developers to see the existing documentation, and the documentation still needed.
We invite you to check it regularly, update it and provide the missing content: https://docs.joomla.org/JDOC:Joomla_4_Tutorials_Project
Most of the feature documentation is now needed as we have reached the release candidate stage.
Should I plan to upgrade to Joomla 4.3?
Joomla 4.x is Joomla’s latest major version. Joomla 4.3 is the latest minor version.
Joomla 3.10 was released alongside Joomla 4 as the last minor release of Joomla 3 (see this article).
Joomla 3.10 will continue to be supported until August 2023 although as its now over 21 months since the release of Joomla 3.10 and 4.0 Joomla 3 will only get security releases.
You should be planning or in the process of migrating to the latest version of Joomla.
We provide resources to help with the migration on the documentation site.
Make some noise. Joomla 4.3.1 is out!
We released the best Joomla yet. Let’s tell the world!
Get the message out about the great new features using the hashtag #Joomla4 and #Joomla4All.
J4 Brochure: https://joom.la/J4brochure
J4 Documentation: https://docs.joomla.org/J4.x::Getting_Started_with_Joomla!
Who is Joomla! For?
Do you need to make a website? For personal use, your work, a charity, not for profit. Perhaps a university, or local government, then Joomla is for you.
A web agency needs a well-supported framework that can grow as your clients' needs grow. Then Joomla is for you.
Written by volunteers from every sector, it's used all over the internet for all kinds of projects: from blogs and intranets to national government sites. From small shops to world-leading brand sites, Joomla is capable of growing to fit your needs.
Joomla’s power comes from its ever-evolving code base, keeping up with best practices, but also from its large ecosystem of developers who see opportunities in the market and fill those gaps with good software designed to meet real-world needs.
Joomla 4.3.1 is the latest in a world-class CMS that allows you to start your website knowing it can grow with your needs and scale with your customers.
All this, and Joomla 4 is free-to-use and open-source software.
What are you waiting for? Install today and grow your future.
How can you help Joomla development?
There are a variety of ways in which you can get actively involved with Joomla. It doesn't matter if you are a coder, an integrator, or a user of Joomla. You can contact any of our volunteer engagement team to get more information, or if you are ready, you can jump right into the Joomla! Bug Squad.
The Joomla! Bug Squad and the CMS Release Team are some of the most active teams in the CMS development process and are always looking for people (not just developers) that can help with sorting bug reports, coding patches and testing solutions. A great way for increasing your working knowledge of the Joomla code base, and also a great way to meet new people from all around the world.
If you are interested, please read about them here Joomla! Wiki and, if you wish to join, email
The Project also wants to thank all the contributors who have taken the time to prepare and submit work to be included in the Joomla CMS and Framework.
A Huge Thank You to Our Volunteers!
Joomla 4.3.1 is the result of thousands of hours of work by lots of volunteers.
A Huge Thank You goes out to everyone that contributed to the 4.3.1 release!
Related information
If you are an extension developer, please make sure you subscribe to the general developer mailing list, where you can discuss extension development. News that may affect custom development will also be posted there from time to time.