Joomla! News
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- Category: Project Release News

Joomla! 1.0.9 [ Sunshine ] is now available as of Monday 05th June 2006 18:00 UTC for download here.
We suggest that all Joomla! users upgrade to this version.
1.0.9 contains the following changes:
- 12 Low Level Security Fixes
- 160+ General bug fixes
- Several Performance enhancements
Although this release contains 12 security fixes, as they are of a low level nature, this release is being characterized as a Stability/General release. If you are running 1.0.8, you are advised to upgrade to 1.0.9 as it fixes several annoying non-critical errors in 1.0.8
1.0.9 is available as a Full Package, which contains all Joomla! files and Patch Packages which contain only the files that have been changed by the Stability work conducted from previous Joomla! 1.0.x versions.
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- Category: Project Release News
Joomla! 1.0.9 will be released on Monday June 05, 2006.
1.0.9 represents a Stability/General Release. It contains:
- 12 `Low Level` Threat fixes
- 160+ non-critical general bug fixes
- Several Performance improvements
Please note: no specific time has been set for the release, so it may become available at any time on the 5th.
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- Category: General News

Google's Summer of Code application window is fast closing. Talented developers who want the chance participate in the prestigious program "need to get their skates on".
Joomla! was involved with the program in 2005 and it was a huge success — generating several high-value projects. Much of the work from last years' developers is likely to appear in the future evolution of Joomla! Three of the students who were mentored by Joomla! Core Developers in 2005 are now core members themselves.
Lead developer Johan Janssens believes the success of the Google Summer of Code has created further momentum in the Open Source world. "The calibre of coders and the buzz around Google's sponsorship created a great place for creative minds to prosper," Johan said. "I'm extremely pleased that Google taken up the opportunity to support the Summer of Code once again."
Read more: Google "Summer of Code" Heralds Joomla! Innovation
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- Category: General News

Joomla! has been enjoying a lot of attention at Europe's biggest Linux and Open Source event, LinuxTag.
Core team member Alex Kempkens has been representing Joomla! at the event, held in Wiesbaden, Germany. Alex reported back today to describe how Joomla! and other popular and emerging Open Source projects were not only able to present their respective offers but provides the opportunity for collaboration, brainstorming and networking.
Alex said the various Open Source CMS teams and speakers will meet this evening for a get together under the patronage of the OSCom, which is a global association that is providing services such as the CMS Matrix.
Alex is extremely pleased with the amount of interest in Joomla! and Open Source overall. He said that tomorrow will see a feature of the event — "Web Talk Discussions" — of which Alex will be attending and making himself available as a panelist.
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- Category: General News

Joomla! is software; that we all know. But if its popularity was rated in radioactivity, it would well-and-truly be considered as having reached critical mass. The world's most-popular, award-winning, Open Source CMS (Content Management System) has topped One Terabyte (1024 Gigabytes) of data transfer for the month of April (excluding the Forge). This is enormous, and it reflects the exponential growth the project has been enjoying in recent times.
Sure, we know the metaphor defies nuclear physics, but you should appreciate the humour.
Core Team member Brad Baker cracked open the statistics package during the weekend to notice "all the dials were glowing". In fact, Brad and Chris Adams, of Rochen, have had to upgrade our servers to deal with amazing loads they've not seen before. Traffic to Joomla! sites has doubled since February.